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Pakistani Academia's Growing Interest in Decolonizing Minds

From the Blog riazhaqThere is increasing recognition in Pakistan and other nations colonized in the past by the West of the need to "decolonize knowledge" and to deal with the entrenched "injustices inherited" from colonial masters. Language is being recognized as a "library of ideas" essential for creation and transmission of knowledge in former colonies. *Habib University Conference:* Habib University, Pakistan's leading liberal arts institution of higher learning, is leading the way forward with "Postcolonial Higher Education Conference (PHEC)", an annual conference held each year at the university's Karachi campus since 2014. The conference attracts scholars from around the world. This year's PHEC's theme was "Inheritance of Injustice" to highlight the results of historical injustices seen topakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4318321957118832180 Pakistani Blog Posts


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