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A walk down memory lane: Three generations of nerds

From the Blog fatimaarif There are some family relics that you know exist, but don't quite remember which corner of the house they have been stored in. The other day, I stumbled upon one of my old scrapbooks. Skimming through it, I came across an old envelope from the British Council Library addressed to my Nana abu (maternal grandfather for the non-native readers). Opening it, I found two copies of his membership card and two typed sheets stapled together. From the same scrapbook I found two more modern versions of the British Council's membership cards, one belonging to my mother, with her immaculate signatures on it, and the other one belonging to yours truly with the word 'student' stamped on it.This sight had so much nostalgia attached to it. I lost my Nana abu when I was six, so my memory of him ispakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5449327221457376901 Pakistani Blog Posts


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