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I drown, if I draw away my look of water

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: girl-sitting-banks-river-lagoon-young-grass-bank-looking-over-smooth-glass-waters-vegetation-32086374] I drown, if I draw away my look of water And dazed; when I look closely in water The Moon has risen over the horizon, My drowned body, you too come out of water There's no messenger to carry your message Send your well being through a wave of water It's enough that knolls get soften in any case A New passageway is formed through water Unknown I may be flowing with waves like hay Though I'm still protected; Zafar from water …………………………….. Dūbtā huuñ jo haTātā huuñ nazar paanī se aur taktā huuñ to chakrātā hai sar paanī se chāñd bhī ab nikal aayā ufuq-e-āb ke paar mere ġharqāb badan tū bhī ubhar paanī se nāma-bar koī nahīñ hai to kisī lahr ke haath bhej sāhil kī tapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4204314983852066184 Pakistani Blog Posts


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