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The innocent orphans of Burma

From the Blog mtrtmk Rohingya children recall horror of losing parents pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How Has Bangladesh Left Pakistan Behind in Per Capita Income?

From the Blog riazhaqA headline in the Economist magazine's recent issue screams: "Bangladesh's GDP per person is now higher than Pakistan's". Let's examine this development to understand its causes. *Per Capita GDP:* The Economist article explains its headline as follows: "Last month revealed a remarkable turnaround. Bangladesh's GDP per person is now higher than Pakistan's. Converted into dollars at market exchange rates, it was $1,538 in the past fiscal year (which ended on June 30th). Pakistan's was about $1,470....Strange as it may sound, Bangladesh jumped ahead because of an advance in Pakistan. On August 25th Pakistan released the results of its census, updating earlier population estimates. They showed that the country has 207.8m people, more than 9m more than previously thought. It may now pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 264826006079599879 Pakistani Blog Posts


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