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From the Blog pakteahouse *By: Rafique Ali* Karachi was my city, and then in another life, the fantasy of green pastures made the city a distant memory for a long time. Eventually, thaw defrosted and visits resumed, upon one such visit eight months ago during holidays, I experienced something called Super Sawari Express. The Sign Teenage members of my own and extended family accompanied me this time, however, they never set foot in the city or the country before. Being a quasi-tour guide my job was to introduce them to the city, its people, the history, culture, food etc. A relative advised "SUPER SAWARI EXPRESS", a city tour bus service. Some young people replicated what tour operators of New York, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Tokyo etc do. I think these smart business savvy kids did it with least invepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3974890235187534272 Pakistani Blog Posts


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