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Open The Box of Sahulat!

From the Blog cheflingtales Being from a typical Punjabi family, I always saw my mother investing her time equally among me and my two sisters, her house chores, our father, and her active social life. She believes that a mother is the first friend a daughter has and the other way round, which is why her time with us is still an important part of our life, now that the three of us are married. Apart from a great mother and wife, she is a wonderful cook, her yummy dishes have always been the best part of our home. Back when we were all growing up, we used to have guests coming over every weekend and endlessly enjoying the food she laid upon the table, while she equally gave time to us, and this is what we learned while growing up. I wasn't a chef myself and didn't cook Pakistani dishes on a regular basis. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3539085688809491513 Pakistani Blog Posts


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