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 Top 3 Hi-Tea Spots for Under Rs. 750/ – Capital is not always expensive.

From the Blog cheflingtales *Are you a budget freak like me? Food in the capital is tempting, and by the end of the month, we foodies are in trouble. Well don't worry, this time your pocket money is saved. I have some great places for hi-tea, where your budget won't go out of limit.* Whether you are a budget freak or a student with restricted pocket money, every single victim fights the usual battle with meeting the desires of food with a limited budget, and when it comes to Islamabad, it says even the addition of a single fine green mint leaf to the meal adds up to Rs. 10. *So hi-tea under Rs. 750 with up to 40 dishes? Well now take a deep breath and read on. * In today's blog, we are recommending you 3 amazing hi-tea spots in Islamabad, where you can eat under Rs. 750, perfect for treating buddies, a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8370826137914365673 Pakistani Blog Posts


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