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How To Write A Good Romantic Ship ft Signal (2016)

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesJust the other day, I was browsing through Pinterest and I found a post about how to write a good romantic couple. You can find the original pin here. I took the time to go find the original post as well so I could share it with you guys. Titled "Writing a Relationship Your Readers Will Ship", it was filled with the usual tips, but one of them really stood out to me. Step Two: Slow burn ships are fantastic. Don't make your characters fall in love right off the bat. There can be attraction, of course, but genuine feelings of true love don't happen instantly. Your characters should become closer as people, feel at ease around each other, and truly know the other before they fall head-over-heels. *The readers will crave the relationship far more, like dangling a treat right in frontpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1908255506853343805 Pakistani Blog Posts


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