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From the Blog faizansworld Up in the mountains, in the mightiest Himalayan and Karakoram ranges, under the shadows of Nanga Parbat, the place of extreme tragedies and disasters, where height becomes infinite and light starts to deteriorate gradually with every inch of step forward, there the self desires to self deprecate and extinguish into the snow, once and for all. There the self becomes so weightless, so insignificant that the whole world starts to reveal its secrets, its hidden dimensions wrapped in the invisible membranes and spread randomly throughout the nature. There, I see my reflection in those vibrating strings in the atmosphere. I see unlimited possibilities of how I could live a life differently in the parallel worlds, in all the different physically possible scenarios of my existence. Tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6296964251733299471 Pakistani Blog Posts


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