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From the Blog gsntahir that look of concern or mocking perhaps in the thought that it all was a made up farce a story or nothing at all just an attempt at seeking attention slowly the smouldering depths of eyes that did not reflect the smile on the lips awakening to a new understanding that the drama played may not be a farce no masks no direction just a flow going where the flow went and in that brief instant he caught the curtain shift to glimpse a fire deeper than the earth under the feet and then tottering on the corner of the eye a tear enough to wet the eons of dried earth and petrichor 22.07.2017 00:09 hours lahore pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Spiritual Progress 

From the Blog ashrafiya Baba Fareed ud Deen Masud Ganjshakar (Allah have mercy on him) said, 'Spiritual progress lies in discipline of soul and purification of inner life not in the mechanical performance of prayers. If *marifa* (Gnosis) is desired then anger, jealousy and hatred should be completely wiped out from the heart. ' K A Nizami's 'The life and times of Shaikh Fareed ud Deen Ganjshakar *rehmatullah* *aleh'* Vivanta Taj, Rebak, Langkawi, Malaysia pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6310337254723834564 Pakistani Blog Posts


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