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The Higher Level of Existence Things I Hate About Chores War On Terror? 'Trup Chai' (Salted Tea) of Mustuj – Chitral Daastan- Pakistan's First Ever Self-Publishing Platform Global UGRAD Pakistan: A life changing experience for Pakistani Youth Zoe and Mr Awesome The 10 Book Challenge 142- آخری آدمی از انتظار حسین Last Days To GO Bahria Town Or DHA which is better place to Live? Heart shaped box Last Page from a Martyr's Diary Illusions بھوٹانی سرحد کا ہند چینی تنازعہ Till Death Do Us Part How To Handle Tricky Interview Question - After 5 Years, Where Do You Want To See You In Your Career A Corrupt Opposition Federal C Area, Chinese Baba, NLC Pearl Precast and more in Paktive Magazine's latest issue! (#10615) Arduino for Clueless Me and My Car Stories عید کے پرمسرت موقع پر شہدوں کے لئے آپکا پیغام کیا ہے؟ #N/A Mullah Dé Sovereignty #N/A From the Red Carpet #N/A رمضان میں پھلوں کی قیمتیں کیوں بڑھ جاتی ہیں؟

From the Blog pkhope When someone aspires for the true love of Allah, the love of the material luxury just evaporates from his mind. In that case the eminence, opulence, in fact, everything becomes secondary for him. Protocol and the small issues do not bother him. What matters is serving humanity and the wish to please Allah. The great reward which he earns as a result is the wealth of inner peace. It is that blessing which cannot be bought in any market but can only be earned. I heard many people saying when they did not have wealth, they used to run after that and thought after achieving that they will feel happy, but when they got it, they found that unhappiness still prevails in great silhouettes. Rather their previous life with less material affluence and resources they believed was better inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2605748906078497184 Pakistani Blog Posts


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