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Munawar Mirza

From the Blog odysseuslahori Munawar Mirza runs a bicycle repair shop in Township about three kilometres from my home. I was introduced to him when I asked a friend about such a shop nearby. Earlier I used to go to Store Market, A Block, Model Town. There my man was Qureshi who had served me in good stead since 1995 when I started cycling in earnest. My friend who told me of Mirza had lived in Township since before the start of time on this side of Lahore. That is, since 1974 when it first came into being over wheat fields and forest and when the Hadiara Nadi was still a clear, freshwater rivulet where one could fish for rahu. Mirza Sahib (as I address this fifty plus man with dyed hair and moustaches), is talkative as talkative can ever be. And when he talks, his hands stop working. Consequently, a job thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

100 percent pure Pakistani Hot girls

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : 100 percent pure Pakistani Hot girls, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5557305886694790347 Pakistani Blog Posts


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