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Finding the Best Leaders (The Bosses – 5th installment)

From the Blog iabhopal Click here to read 1st Installment Click here to read 2nd Installment Click here to read 3rd Installment Click here to read 4th Installment There is also the question of finding leaders who are more interested in receiving prestige and respect than having power. This is a particular challenge since many people who desire power tend to self-select into positions of leadership, while prestige-motivated workers may be happier working in less flashy positions. "A real trick for organizations is to identify who those people are and raise them up into positions of leadership, whether or not they ask for it, because they might not always be as inclined as power-hungry people are to seek high-status positions in their organization," Maner says. But Maner cautions against seeing thesepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2422563707085174962 Pakistani Blog Posts


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