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The Party Worker - A Gripping Tale of Karachi

From the Blog fatimaarifThe Party Worker by Omar Shahid Hamid, is my first book by the author and I sure am going to pick up the other two in my next book haul session. With its pinch of humor, the novel narrates a tragic gripping tale of Karachi. I like my crime fiction as a pace runner and The Party Worker fits the bill. The story starts with an assassination attempt gone south, in the heart of New York City, on Asad Haider. He is a United Front Party (a political organization based in Karachi!) loyalist, considered to have betrayed it after investing 28 years and helping turn it into a Frankenstein. The mystery of who is behind the attempt on his life is resolved early on in the book. This gripping tale revolves around a bunch of people spread between Karachi and New York, working to bring down the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7275292347197295864 Pakistani Blog Posts


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