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9 Things to Check Before Buying a Used Car

From the Blog smartchoice With the drastic increase in car prices every year, it becomes quite hard for a person on a normal salary to change their car frequently, let alone owning a new one. So most of the people are left with only one option, and that is to buy a second hand car. To us, 'second hand' car seems like something in a bad state which is not very presentable or durable, but if you are someone who knows about cars, these second hand cars often prove to be a better deal than brand new ones. They are cheap, and if correctly examined, can be in good condition too. So all it takes for a second hand car to look and feel new, is a little vigilance on your side. *Want best rates for used car insurance? Compare car insurance policies here* What to check before buying a used car Though while a uspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Future of Brands

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Mr. Asad Rizvi, Regional Creative Director, Orient McCann, visited the Lahore School of Economics on March 31, 2017 to deliver a lecture to the graduating MBA class on "Future of Brands." pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Lux Nude Model Scandal

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Lux Nude Model Scandal, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1549860168824520708 Pakistani Blog Posts


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