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In praise of Allah

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 1377405734c2076-original-1] *Everything is created by my lord Almighty* *All that exists is under control of Almighty* * The whole world exalts His supremacy* *Is all created and fashioned by Almighty* *The Almighty isn't dependable on anyone* *Nor does He need anything from any one* *Nothingness prevailed all over in universe* *Allah formed human, the best of His creation* *This could only be done by my lord Almighty* *All that can listen to and speak in this world* *Are all heard and known by Lord Almighty* *He's beyond excellence and has no comparison* ** [image: REHMAN BABA] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Yakeen ka safar (review) Episode 1

From the Blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeWritten by: Farhat ishtiaq Directed by: Shahzad Kashmiri Cast: Sajal Ali, Ahad Reza mir, Shaz Khan, Hira Salman I have been waiting for a while for this serial. The main reason being that I have read the novel 'woh yakeen ka naya safar' several years ago and fell in love with the romance between Dr… Continue reading Yakeen ka safar (review) Episode 1 →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4247956675292588323 Pakistani Blog Posts


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