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Owning Mashal Khan: Pakistan's road to redemption

From the Blog beenasarwar *[image: Mashal]Like many, I feel shattered and heartbroken by the brutal Mashal Khan murder. In this op-ed published in The News, April 19, 2017, I try to contextualise the tragedy, share my observations about changes underway and suggest a way forward. Copied below with additional links and visuals. Please also sign and share this online petition: Pakistan Against Extremism: Minimum Common Agenda.* *By Beena Sarwar* The mob murder of a student at a public university campus in Mardan on April 13, 2017 hit home through videos and photos of the gruesome act. In the ensuing outrage, many are calling to hang the "animals" involved — even animals don't torture other creatures to death like this –and see no hope after this brutality, extreme even by Pakistani standards. [image: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 421255529464317751 Pakistani Blog Posts


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