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Your Ultimate Guide to Staying as Cool as a Cucumber This Summer

From the Blog cheflingtales First of all, let's just accept the fact that we Pakistanis are not going to get used to the first heat wave of the season every time it hits right after the winter. Every year we are ready to grumble about its arrival like it's the first time. We might as well be ready for World War III than keeping it calm about the summer season. Reality check: who would want to smile and think positively when it's 40 degrees outside? Instead, this is what you can do to stay cool. *The Basic Summer Survival Toolkit* Everyone already knows about staying hydrated, wearing comfortable, light clothes and regularly showering; which actually lasts only until you are out of the shower. TIP: (add peppermint essential oil to your bath water to keep yourself fresh for longer). *Focus On The Good* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4060933200877890868 Pakistani Blog Posts


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