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The Bosses

From the Blog iabhopal The bosses I had faced during my service with three different from December, 1962 to September, 1999 interestingly have be identified in a research. *Bosses who crave power but fear they might lose it can undermine their teams' productivity*. Based on the research of Jon Maner and Charleen R. Case The dreaded Bad Boss comes in many varieties. There are the incompetent ones, the lazy or defensive ones, the ones who claim your work as their own, or those who prefer to rule through intimidation. Jon Maner, a professor of management and organizations at Kellogg School of Management, has studied a specific breed of bad boss—those who intentionally sabotage their teams' cohesion in order to protect their own status as leader. Maner's research shows that leaders will intentionally spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

...On the 'March' of Time

From the Blog lalioutloud1. Earlier this month, I turned thirty. The big Three-O. A couple of weeks prior to that, this blog turned ten. I figured I'd maximize efficiency and kill two birds with one stone so here goes. 2. I started the blog at the fag end of my teens, so for better or worse, it has served as a sort of chronicle for the third decade of my life. 3. As decades go, this one has been a mixed bag. There have been a number of truly dark days, the sudden, shattering horror of which I shall not forget till my dying breath. 4. But there have also been moments of such absolute, sunlit perfection that the passage of years has not dimmed their glow one bit. Most of these days have gone undocumented because of my perverse habit of keeping my sorrows public and the joys private. 5. I started this decpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 913427193615179087 Pakistani Blog Posts


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