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Does Islam Allow Slavery ? Part-1

From the Blog iabhopal *Question: *I am a Captain in the Pakistan army and would like to know if can we have sexual relations with the women we are able to capture in wars? I have heard that in one of the wars during the time of the Prophet (sws), the whole Muslim army raped slave women offered to them provided that they practiced 'Azal (coitus interruptus). *Answer: *Well I am afraid you cannot do so. Since the question you have raised is an important one. I'll give you a detailed answer: In my opinion, among many other misconceptions about Islam is the notion that it gives sanction to slavery and permits its followers to enslave prisoners of war, particularly women and establish extra-marital relations with them. Islam, I must strongly affirm, has not the slightest link with slavery and concubinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

کہاں سے لاؤں؟

From the Blog ashrafiya شیخ سید سلیمان ندوی رحمہ اللہ علیہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Apple 8

From the Blog umarqutb In a new video released today, Concepts iPhone shows off some interesting possibilities for Apple's 10th anniversary iPhone, including a display that covers the entire front of the device. While reports suggest that iPhone 8 will move to an all glass design, the concept dreamed up in iPhone 8 Commercial by Thadeu Brandão shows off a design similar to iPhone 7 Plus. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5242661805183518872 Pakistani Blog Posts


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