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From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Lahore School of Economics won the Finance Competition held at LUMS under brand PHOENIX on 10th-12th February 2017 securing 1st prize of PKR 30,000/. Contestants from well-known professional educational institutions from all over Pakistan participated in the competition. Lahore School team Alpha team comprised Waqar Khurram, Qasim Naeem, Qasim Ali and Hamza Ahmad. The competition encompassed various financial segments like intricate Live Trading, Financial Valuations, CFA Quizzes, Elevator Pitch followed by Case Studies. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Big Banks Declare War on Venmo – Bloomberg

From the Blog faisalkhan Depending on which side of the fence you live, you might be about to uncork a champagne bottle or take aspirin. Zelle is the new payment solution in town in the US, that promises to be a Venmo (read: PayPal) killer! A cartel of 19 US banking institutions that is started by a startup called *Early Warning* (gotta love the name). The gist of it – instant payments to and fro from your Zelle wallet and to your banks. Do everything that Venmo does, but instantly. Venmo, which is the darling for most of the millennials, processes a bucket and half when compared to banks. Will the big banks be able to win over Venmo? Maybe! With the right deal, influencers, and catalysts one might be able to convert the millions of users who use Venmo. Zelle, on the other hand might just take off witpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Stop Staring There!!

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Sexy Girl Movies : Stop Staring There!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 254723842231035529 Pakistani Blog Posts


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