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Jeffree Star Rose Matter, Gemini, Watermelon Soda, And Unicorn Blood Velour Liquid Lipsticks Review And Swatches

From the Blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesLast Thursday I ecstatically shot a *Jeffree Star Lipsticks* video for my YouTube channel on a newly bought Canon 70D along with using my glorious ring light. I was pretty happy with the outcome and knew that the swatches of *Jeffree Star* *Rose Matter*, *Gemini*, *Watermelon Soda* and *Unicorn Blood* would help anyone out with a *South Asian skin tone* like mine. If you have followed me for a while, you would know that *Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipsticks* are my absolute favourites and I even wore a *Rosegal Asymmetric Curved Cuff Choker** similar to Jeffree's high-end one that he once showed on SnapChat, for this video to go with the theme of his brand. Surprisingly, this is of pretty good quality too but only costs $6.21. Bargain, right? I really love the hinged style and tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6571742116912786307 Pakistani Blog Posts


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