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How to find meaningful work

From the Blog blog Last year I had an interesting experience. I gave lectures and was invited to speak at different universities. I was talking to students on my main topic of interest: *how to do work around things you love to do*. I called it *get paid to do what you would have paid to do*. I have talked about this topic everywhere, right? On the blog, with friends, with corporate workers and entrepreneurs. Everyone, me included, want to know the best ways to cultivate meaningful work in our lives. But not students. They were simply not interested. I had to later change the topic to "why you should do what you love instead of run after money or prestige". It seems that it took five to six years of "on the job experience" for many of us to figure out that the boring job is what's on offer. So apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Beauty Girl Escapes F-7 Sex Massage Parlor!!!

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad XXX : Beauty Girl Escapes F-7 Sex Massage Parlor!!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 817598417684653811 Pakistani Blog Posts


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