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Trump and the Pakistani Christians

From the Blog pakteahouse *Shuham A. Charles* US President Donald Trump has made remarks during his campaign, and even after assuming the office, that have outraged many minority communities. His executive order to suspend immigration from a select group of Muslim countries has earned him a barrage of criticism. There is a sense of apprehension caused by Trump administration which is shared by Muslims in the US and Pakistan alike. Is America becoming intolerant of its racial and religious minorities? These questions are valid and have put us in a dilemma as we anticipate Trump's next move. But what do Christians in Pakistan think about Trump coming to power? How does his suspension of immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen) affect Pakistani pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7609495484418681126 Pakistani Blog Posts


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