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India Republic Day: Largest Democracy Tops World Slavery Charts

From the Blog riazhaqIndia, often described as the world's largest democracy, is home of 18.3 million slaves, the highest number of people trapped in modern slavery anywhere in the world, according to Global Slavery Index 2016 report. Global Slavery ChartThe report says ten countries with the largest estimated absolute numbers of people in modern slavery include some of the world's most populous countries: India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, North Korea, Russia, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Indonesia. In terms of percentages, North Korea (4.37%) tops the slavery list followed by Uzbekistan (3.97%), Cambodia (1.6%), India (1.4%), Qatar (1.3%), Pakistan (1.1%), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1.1%), Sudan (1.1%), Iraq (1.1%), Afghanistan (1.1%) and Yemen (1.1%). Tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2318065213705162774 Pakistani Blog Posts


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