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Bilawal is Not Popular in Punjab – Here is Why

From the Blog pkhope Failed repetitive launching attempts of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari compelled his father to take the risk of returning home and keep the party alive at least in rural Sindh. In rural Sindh, due to the feudalism, extreme poverty, unavailability of any Sindhi alternative, and decades of unhappiness towards Punjab has kept PPP still relevant. But that is not enough if PPP, the party headed by Bilawal and his father, wants to rule the country and want to see Bilawal as Prime Minister. His weak Urdu skills, unawareness with local cultures is not that big a problem as he would learn it with the passage of time. He also has the clean slate unlike any other politician in Pakistan as he just the kid starting out. So why Bilawal is not popular in Punjab which is the power center and without pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2564774285626065929 Pakistani Blog Posts


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