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Bosnia Loves Nawaz Sharif and Pakistan and Here is Why

From the Blog pkhope In early 90s, when Bosnia was facing a war in which they were helpless; Pakistan was the only handful of countries who gave them shelter and thousands of Bosniaks arrived in Pakistan and many still are settled here. The then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was the first Muslim Prime Minister to visit the war torn Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and provided much needed help in funds, medical aid, tents, and various other things; above all the feeling to Bosniaks that Pakistan was with them. Sadzida Silajdzic, the then Bosnian ambassador to Pakistan, an Islamic scholar still says that they owe to Pakistan a lot as Pakistan helped them when Europe abandoned them. At that time (and still) Pakistan was already hosting millions of Afghan refugees and its own economy was in shambles, bupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4630635317323946406 Pakistani Blog Posts


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