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The sea calls

From the Blog randomlyabstract The waves were full of voice unlike the world around them. Everywhere was silent, and the only other sounds were so soft you wouldn't mind them. Like: the stars' gentle sparkle, off on, off on, creating silver splashes in the vast water; the moon's direct beams falling on its rubber surface like a spear cutting right through; my own breathing in harmony with each swift move of the said sea. It was only a matter of *present*, the moments synced to the space, emitting the same power: of might, of being the only thing that mattered. *Life is not a bed of roses. You say that like it's a good thing. If I am not happy slash I feel really bad about something, there must be a way to make it right. You can't shirk that responsibility and simply put it on those look-good quotes. Becausepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3305486307168950504 Pakistani Blog Posts


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