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What I Expected in Youtube Rewind 2016

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI just finished watching Youtube Rewind and I'm going to be straight up honest with you; it was horrible. I didn't recognize anything at all. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was just a bunch of random things put in that did not reflect 2016 at all. The 2015 Youtube Rewind was much better! Before I get started on 2016, watch the 2015 one (if you haven't). It's really nice! I can actually recognize people in here? There's Lilly Singh and Miranda Sings and Lindsey Stirling and the JUST DO IT meme! And I actually knew about the Nae Nae song xD The whole video was overall really happy and catchy! And Markiplier was in it too with his Five Nights at Freddys (probably my most favorite segment of it?) as well Pewdiepe (how can he not be in a Youtube Rewind, he's literally the face of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6802637256487637908 Pakistani Blog Posts


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