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Making Life Easy in Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope On many occasions we think whether we would fail or succeed in a particular situation. Sometimes whole life we remain in this grip. This leads to the wastage of time. There are many possibilities. Some think that this all is normal. But when we get stuck to an idea this leads to abnormalities. We must always remember that the extreme of anything is bad. There are two kinds of people, optimists and pessimists. But Dr Khalid Jamil, famous scholar from Pakistan and head of Rehab Centre, Mayo Hospital, takes both of these kinds as failure in life. He says that there is a need that we inculcate the same belief as was cultivated by Tariq Bin Ziyad when he burnt the boats. He was having assurance in his heart that he would conquer Spain. This kind of belief also lends us a rare confidpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5990711713026950198 Pakistani Blog Posts


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