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City Life – Pooja and Parsad in Ranchor Lines

From the Blog thekarachiwallaThe old temple inside Ranchor Lines brims with life during pooja time. The Karachi Walla was in Ranchor Lines and ended up at Narsingha Bhagwan Mandir by chance. I was helping a bunch of students and were done with the tour by noon. The heat and dust had consumed our energy and we were all […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The 'Crops in Pots' blog has moved!

From the Blog cropsinpotsAfter a long break, I am finally resuming writing. Gardening projects just did not give me spare time to write. I am back and my blog has moved to a new domain It now has much more! Learning guides, tutorials, recipes, workshop details and endless inspiration. This is how it looks :) Please join and stay in touch! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Impact of Trump's Top Appointments on US Domestic & Foreign Policy

From the Blog riazhaqWho are President-Elect Donald Trump's top picks for his Cabinet and White House staff positions? What are their views on US domestic and foreign policies? How will they shape US policies on national security, immigration, minority rights and foreign relations? Are critics right about their reservations regarding Trump's top choices of Steve Bannon (Chief White House Strategist), Gen Michael Flynn (National Security Advisor), Jeff Sessions (Attorney General), Michael Pompeo (CIA Director) and Chris Kobach (Immigration)? What should Muslims do in response to appointments of known Islamophobes like Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Chris Kobach and others? Should they support civil rights groups like Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR), American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Southerpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Principle of Life Expectancy in Pakistan

From the Blog umertoorDue to delays in conclusion of trials or disposal of appeals in criminal cases, courts granted convicts or accused incarcerated relief of adjusting the time period spent in jail against the sentence imposed - this was the rule of thumb quarter century ago. This was eagerly exploited by litigators who defeated the intention of common law by purposefully delaying disposal of cases so as to avail the relief of equitable principle of life expectancy. Hence, Pakistani courts moved against it (so did Indian, perhaps), and tended not to grant the said relief. In a relatively recent judgment[1], in para. 20, Hon. Jst. Asif S. Khosa reviewed the case from Indo-Pak jurisdictions and stated the current status of the principle of life expectancy as following: "20. The discussion made above pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2373963491791965313 Pakistani Blog Posts


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