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How To Ace Your Viva

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesor at least feel marginally less stupid than you usually feel. You might be wondering, what are vivas? Well, vivas are basically an oral examination where there's just you and your teacher/professor and they ask you a series of questions, testing your knowledge and your method of conveying what you know. Introverted people like me find vivas extremely daunting, mostly because you can, in real time, gauge how your performance is going by judging from the examiner's expressions. Of course, not all examiners are the same. Some will smile encouragingly when you answer correctly, to help boost your confidence. Some will smile encouragingly when you're wrong, just to see what other blunders you're going to be making today. It depends really. Of course, if your examiners are your own pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2996496908337418967 Pakistani Blog Posts


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