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EOBI Pensioners Enjoy Hassle-Free Pension Disbursement with Bank Alfalah EOBI Debit Cards

From the Blog telecompk In pursuit of its mission of empowering society and simplifying everyday transactions, Bank Alfalah's registration of EOBI pensioners, which started in May 2016, is underway with pensioners beginning to withdraw their pensions through ATMs with ease. Bank Alfalah's collaboration with EOBI is aimed at helping pensioners withdraw their monthly disbursements through Bank Alfalah EOBI Debit cards with absolute convenience. It's pertinent to note that Bank Alfalah had won the contract to disburse pensions under Employees' Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) in August 2015. Bank Alfalah has advised all remaining EOBI pensioners to complete the registration and get their Debit cards activated at their earliest so they can make payments and withdrawals without hassle after the transitipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5665699646126746150 Pakistani Blog Posts


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