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Ode to Idiots

From the Blog r2square *This post is full of shameless self praise and big-headedness,with a scores of judgement on every living soul I have met. Those who take offense easy, You've been warned.* [image: people people] I am creature of impulse, not of calculation. There was once a time I regretted it, but now I don't. When I was very young I used to think everyone around me had a better understanding of life, that they knew things I would never understand; because they had wholesome families, they lived in big houses and they drove in cars while I came from a broken home and had to travel for hours in a smelly van to get to my school.That somehow their brains were sharper than mine and their thinking much clearer and open. And by this I placed some sort of an invisible responsibility on them. That pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3523572753600438802 Pakistani Blog Posts


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