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In the name of the concrete jungle

From the Blog fatimaarif Lahore which is known as the cultural hub of the country is being shamelessly turned into a concrete jungle in the name of development, Paris and whatever the political diatribe can come up with. Recently one of the representatives of the ruling party in response to the high court's decision on the Orange Line said that they will be contesting the decision and that there is no stopping the Orange Line because this is a gift to the people of the city from the provincial government. That marketer in me couldn't help drawing parallels between this statement and the marketing and product development ideology that states that the consumers don't know what they want and it is our job to show it to them. After all this is exactly how we got our cars and smartphones and what not. My tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7383387074405822501 Pakistani Blog Posts


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