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From the Blog faizansworld In life there will be moments of success and failure, happiness and sadness, and life will go on like this till its end. I too have had some moments when I felt happy and moments when I just couldn't. But the desire to have everything as ideal as I want, leads me to an overall unquenched person and the one still in pursuit for a better taste of life. There seems to be something sinister about this life, something that makes me older than my actual age. This maturity, this taking up the radiation from this world's heat, this enormous dissatisfaction, this painful void, and this severe seriousness, if it is the result of the idealistic mindset, then it's better to live as a fool than experience this consciousness. There are always different perspectives of looking into our failupakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2256207950709744955 Pakistani Blog Posts


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