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soft fumes/peace

From the Blog randomlyabstract A lot of peace. So much of peace. When nothingness spreads. Takes over and fills in the empty corners inside Cleanses nooks and corners of your body so your soul can feel holy there. Like it's in a temple. A sleep that isn't your casual escape route. Where dreams don't push each other like cars stuck in a traffic jam or kid's throwing blocks in a basket. There's no hurry and there is no chaos. No tiredness, just serenity. A relaxed mind. A relaxed reality. No sharp red. No bright sun. Not the scary kind of dark. Not the scary kind of silent. The fear-free, worry-free zone. Nothing artificial nor too temporary. Nothing else. Just peace. The real, real kind of peace. (The one you write about when you want to feel a bit. Not the one we read to read.) [image: 22-Aug-2016] 22-Aug-2pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

19 feat. Turquoise Hair

From the Blog noorsplaceI turned 19 on 16th August 2016. *Phew!* I have always thought of 19 as a difficult phase. It's exactly when you're in the middle of transiting to a (supposed) adult but the teen in you won't let go; a very difficult phase indeed. The evening before my birthday, I turned off my phone, struggling to keep it shut until next day so I wouldn't have to talk about the dilemma 19th year of life was bringing along. It didn't take long before I turned it on again to check my Instagram notifications, cried my heart out in front of my twin sister, then went over to my friend's house to pick her up so we could have that 12 AM gosh-yerrrr-burrrthday moment. I guess I will never stop worrying about the age that's coming, reminiscing about the ages that have gone, things that could have been dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 774424179620723061 Pakistani Blog Posts


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