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Me Time for Mommy: 6 Ways to Unwind as School Starts

From the Blog cheflingtales Mothers always wish for a 25th hour, an hour they can have just for themselves. Being a mother is tough – really tough. Especially when the kids are home all the time! Vacations are the worst. Yes, you're happy your kids are home and can finally rest from the tiresome school routines, but secretly dread the hassle and tons of work the summer vacations bring with them. So when this hectic time is over, and it's finally for the kids to go back to school, there is an immense sigh of relief in all mothers. You finally have some 'me time'. Now that the kids are back in school and you finally have some 'me time', here are a few ways to relax and unwind. *Sleep a little more* What's more precious than a few more minutes of sleep? Now you finally have the chance to catch up on sompakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2681500088444936227 Pakistani Blog Posts


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