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Mubasher Lucman's Tweets About Nawaz Sharif Surgery

From the Blog pkhope Only in Pakistan, you can say whatever you want on the television except criticizing the military. Besides of that you can insult anybody, hurl any sort of false or true allegations, do mud-slinging, character assassination, and whatever you want. Pakistani premier is in London for his open-heart surgery. While he recovers from that some hawaldar anchors who have no moral ethics or professional etiquette or even basic human compassion are terming the surgery as fake. PTI, the party of Imran Khan is as usual tagging along with them on the social media. See these couple of tweets by anchorperson Mubasher Lucman: [image: m1] and then see this one: [image: m2] No matter how much you hate anybody; you don't really stoop to that low. This is Pakistani electronic media journalismpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1321274002751831771 Pakistani Blog Posts


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