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Qandeel Baloch Photos with Maulvi Scandal

From the Blog pkhope Maulana Abvul Qavi, the chairman of PTI Ulema wing seems to be the new and fresh victim of bold and beautiful Qandeel Baloch. Two of them first met during a TV talk show when Qandeel was online from Karachi and the Maulana from Lahore. During that TV program, Maulana seemed desperate to meet with the Qandeel. [image: q1] He said in the live TV show to the amazement of anchor that he would love to meet Qandeel when he come to Karachi next time as he was scheduled to go there to see the moon as the Maulana is also part of Roet-e-Halal committee. [image: qandeel hot scandal] and there are some more photos of the couple. But you get the idea here. But well when a person is chairman of PTI ulema wing, then this is not a surprise at all as this is what PTI excels at. And interestinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2510639054266683834 Pakistani Blog Posts


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