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Snail Mail: It's A Lot of Fun Getting Letters

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesIt's the last few days of May and it feels like it's been gone so quickly! I had a couple of goals set for May and while I haven't been able to complete all of them, I'm proud of what I've done so far! And what have I done so far? Why, I made my first visit to the post office and posted a letter! I'm a really busy person- sometimes I'm surprised I still blog. I have a hectic university life. Medicine is not an easy degree. There's always things left to study and there's no way you can sit back and say "Ah, I've finished all my work". It's just an endless exercise of reading, whether it's anatomy or physiology or biochemistry or histology. I usually come home too tired to do much. But it always makes my day when I received something in the mail, which happens occasionally! Now pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8122189568279281913 Pakistani Blog Posts


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