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From the Blog pakteahouse *By SJ* There is a fine line between office and work. Offices are never easy and nor do they promise to be. In our male dominating society, it's hard for women to breathe amongst sexual predators, assaulters and misogynists. We do stumble upon sexism and encounter it in all possible forms. Unfortunately, our counterparts are always successful to find a way to let us down and to prove their superiority. They will make sure they don't lose the power to control women in both places – the one at their house and workplace. They will keep a keen eye on our every move. It's frustrating to know that in our so called "enlightened society" in which we demand to profess equal rights, women protection bill, and liberalization – be it on the streets or the parliament – many female breapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7903913095722291140 Pakistani Blog Posts


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