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Fools that Rule

From the Blog odysseuslahoriEvery day one reads something in the papers and cannot but wonder what sort of fools and retards rule the various government agencies that mismanage this blighted land. Today (21 May 2016) I am told, 'The Lahore Ring Road Authority [LRRA] has made a plan to fix iron fencing at various sections of the road to stop pedestrians from crossing the road and causing accidents.' (Dawn, Metro section). A small bit of steel fence removed from right in front of a narrow street to give free passage We are further informed by the blockheads of LRRA that this effort will 'force' pedestrians to use overhead bridges meant for them to cross the road. What country do these idiot shitheads live in? This reminds me of many years ago when another moron by the name of Arif Khan was Director General pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4100223459980836899 Pakistani Blog Posts


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