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5 Unpopular Blogging Opinions

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesToday I decided to rant a little bit about some opinions I have that may be considered 'unpopular' or 'impolite' to actually voice out, because, well, they might be considered offensive to some people, or some bloggers might take them too seriously. If you clicked on this post to be offended, be well warned. You *will *be offended. Why are there so many *fashion bloggers* and why are *all* of them so popular? I don't really have a thing against fashion bloggers, but most of them talk about an outfit that would be the equivalent to the price of my entire wardrobe? I don't understand how fashion bloggers can have an overabundance of expensive outfits they can keep posting about on their blogs. Make-up tutorials and posts make a lot more sense though. Another thing that surprises pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9197840522025032531 Pakistani Blog Posts


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