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The art of German bread: A conversation with Claus Euler

From the Blog cheflingtales Among the few things our senses remember for a long time is the smell and feel of a fresh loaf of bread. The aroma is imprinted on your brain, and stays with you for a long time. When it comes to bread, I’m afraid you don’t get much variety in Pakistan. The word usually implies whole wheat or brown bread available at bakeries. It’s just sad how unfamiliar Pakistanis are to the variety of bread out there. Sigh! There is however, a German chefling among us that has set out to change this lack of ‘bread knowledge’ (Yes, its that vast a subject) in Pakistan with his amazing variety of organic breads. Claus Euler regularly sells his produce at a local farmer’s market in Islamabad, and has made quite a name for himself and his bakery, *Max and Moritz *among the foodie community. Wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

An Apology

From the Blog randomlyabstract Here is an apology For each tear, every cut on your heart And everything you feel you deserve one for But never got. Here is that apology which couldn’t reach you before For your lost years, or lost months, or lost weeks Or just lost days-in-between. For the sound your bones make when you pull up from a non-sleep To join another meaningless chase. For the voice that no more chokes On hearing, or saying, the word sorry For your uncontrollable sobs of yesteryear The memories of which you’ve swept under your chest To be crushed by the burden of this same meaningless chase we know nothing about. I cannot mend what is lost I cannot even change what got wasted but I can hope And I do. I hope for peace to find you and provide you with just as more strength as you need Just more strength, aspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 937340130274541393 Pakistani Blog Posts


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