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~Walk Through Shades Nail Spa & Fashion House~

From the Blog areejusmanI was invited at the Red Carpet and launch of this newly opened Nail Spa and Fashion House called Shades in Islamabad.What a glamour filled night it was.I ll highlight the details of this newly launched Nail Spa and Fashion House now.Enjoy! It was an exciting day and a very well organized and managed event by Rezz PR & Events.The social media teams and the socialites,VIP guests were there to make it a splendid & successful launch.It was filled with people,the social media persons were going crazy updating live while some ladies were busy trying and testing make up and nail colors on the make up floor. With Mariam Sheikh Operations Head at Shades With Rezz Aly Shah CEO Rezz PR & Events With the beautiful Natasha aka Natty Girls trying out make up products at Shades lapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How much is enough?

From the Blog hammadmateenWhat's the strongest feeling in the world? Love? Wrong! It's hunger. What's the 2nd strongest feeling in this world? Love? Wrong! It's greed. In between hunger and greed, all other feelings and emotions float in the ocean of desire. Yet, … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3485116408821587500 Pakistani Blog Posts


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