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Food + Cricket + Passion = Food Panda Super League

From the Blog pakmediablog Have you participated in the Food Panda Super League yet? Well, today is the last day and it’s never too late to cherish good cricket (Oh yes, Quetta Gladiators and Islamabad United is going to be totally worth the watch) with good food. How? Foodpanda is running its own online food tournament so while you […] Food + Cricket + Passion = Food Panda Super League is a post from: PakMediaBlog All Rights Reserved. This post Food + Cricket + Passion = Food Panda Super League is aggregated on PakMediaBlog. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The Week in Review # 48: Different Perspectives

From the Blog usmansheikh “I can’t get through to him/her.” All of us have been in situations where we have experienced this frustration. If the issue is not resolved quickly it escalates into conflict. At the core of the issue are two different perspectives clashing. Each person believes that their perspective is correct. This may be due to past experience or having knowledge the other person doesn’t have. However, knowing the right answer and forcing their perspective on another is usually futile. In a conversation only one perspective can be discussed at any one point in time. When two perspectives are being discussed concurrently is when problems begin to start. At this point each party is consciously/subconsciously rejecting the other person’s perspective. *When we reject a perspective without lipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4861816782068290346 Pakistani Blog Posts


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