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Welcome, 2016

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Mehrunnisa Yusuf* [image: welcome 2016] On the last day of twenty-fifteen, I was mulling over my final despatch of the year. This annual practice has been in place since two thousand and nine. In one sense it is as familiar as the end of the year editions of news and print. December is as much the month of looking backward as it is forward. This is inherent in the proliferation of articles, lists and notes on the year in review. I have my particular favourites like Popova’s the best of Brain Pickings. In addition, I have a virtual collection of articles of note as well as lines and phrases scribbled in notebooks. I find this to be an extension of dog-eared pages in much loved books. It is a way to capture words and visuals that inspire. The one that resonated with me the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Down roads and dark, narrow streets, how lovely to peer into windows from afar: a portal into another life, another heart. Who sits on that wicker chair set close to the window? Is someone awake, dreaming and longing for what is out of reach? A dog barks incessantly, throaty, commanding… a few blocks down, a sharper bark pierces the quiet night – little shrieks uttered from the jaw of a white, fluffy terrier, perhaps. His little furry body, full of excitement and a pinch of boredom. Have the pages of those books near the window been turned? Or is life within that large wooden square in a flurry, frenzy, always? Are hot meals cooked within those walls which contain laughter and despair? And the table mats, are they old plastic mats, the kind our grandmothers pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1360933710056776445 Pakistani Blog Posts


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