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What's In My Art Journal?

From the Blog noorsplaceI am super excited to show my art journal on the blog today. As my word of the year "Progress" indicates, I am doing more of everything that has stayed on my to-do lists for so long. Art and creative works are on the top of this list. My art journal was started as a basic writing journal and now, it's becoming more of an actual art journal with cute quotes and stuff. Let's proceed to the journal now: [image: Whats in my art journal - Noors Place blog] My art journal is a constant work in progress. I have done a few pages so far, but I am glad all of them reflect the person who's behind them. I have a very minimal style and I incorporate it in everything I do. Yikes! [image: Art Journal - Noors Place blog] // This page is completely inspired by Pinterest. I saw this distinctive hanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7640835515667836702 Pakistani Blog Posts


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