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Lahore School of Economics Entrepreneurial Exhibition

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics An entrepreneurial exhibition was organized by the Entrepreneurial and Business Society of Lahore School of Economics which entailed students displaying their innovative ideas in the competition. About 120 students presented their ideas in 60 cubicles set up for the event. This was the second exhibition for current year where graduating students of 2016 participated. The competition was judged by external judges Omar Zaman (Brand Manager Sefam Private Limited), Arif Hussain (Retired Regional Chief HBL) and Farukkh Afzal (COO Nishat Chunian). This was an opportunity for students to not only learn but also to show their skills and analytic potentials in a real business environment. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8505028155230191341 Pakistani Blog Posts


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